Explorer 17

Explorer 17
Operator NASA
Mission type Earth science
Satellite of Earth
Orbits ~ 19,867
Launch date April 3, 1963 at 01:55:00 UTC
Launch vehicle Delta-B
Mission duration 1,325 days
Orbital decay November 24, 1966
COSPAR ID 1963-009A
Homepage NASA NSSDC Master Catalog
Mass 185 kg
Orbital elements
Semimajor axis 6963.64 km
Eccentricity .047428
Inclination 57.6°
Apoapsis 916 km
Periapsis 255 km
Orbital period 96.39 m
Main instruments Pressure gauges, mass spectrometers, electrostatic probes

Explorer 17 (also known as Atmosphere Explorer-A (AE-A) and S6) was a United States satellite, launched at Cape Canaveral from LC-17B on a Delta-B booster, on April 3, 1963, to study the Earth's upper atmosphere. It was the first satellite of five Atmosphere Explorers.

Technical specifications

Explorer 17 was a spin-stabilized sphere 0.95 m in diameter. The spacecraft was vacuum sealed in order to prevent contamination of the local atmosphere. Explorer 17 carried four pressure gauges for the measurement of total neutral particle density, two mass spectrometers for the measurement of certain neutral particle concentrations, and two electrostatic probes for ion concentration and electron temperature measurements. Battery power failed on July 10, 1963. Three of the four pressure gauges and both electrostatic probes operated normally. One spectrometer malfunctioned, and the other operated intermittently.

The successful launch and operating of Explorer 17 allowed scientists for the first time to obtain instantaneous atmospheric density measurements using several independent measuring systems, to measure the atmosphere during a single day under nearly constant local time conditions and geomagnetic activity, and to compare direct measurements of density with those inferred from measurements of perturbations in the satellite period orbit.[1]

The spacecraft decayed from orbit after 1,325 days on November 24, 1966.


  1. ^ Newton, George P.; Horowitz, Richard; Priester, Wolfgang (July 1965). "Atmospheric Density and Temperature Variations from the Explorer XVII Satellite and a Further Comparison with Satellite Drag" (fee required). Planetary and Space Science 13 (7): 599–616. Bibcode 1965P&SS...13..599N. doi:10.1016/0032-0633(65)90042-5. 

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